High-quality gas assist struts for your project

When searching for reliable gas assist systems, it’s important to understand how these devices function and why they’re essential for various industries. Gas assists make it easier to lift, open, or close heavy and unwieldy objects, providing controlled support where it’s needed most. Whether you’re working in automotive, industrial, or even furniture design, gas assists can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of your projects. At Gasspringsshop, we offer a wide selection of customizable gas assist struts to meet your unique needs.

What’s a gas assist system?

A gas assist system is essentially a mechanism that aids in movement using pressurized gas. These gas assists help to make the opening, closing, lifting, and lowering of various applications smoother and more manageable. Typically, the system involves a gas strut that is pressurized to deliver controlled movements, making it easier to handle heavy or awkward objects like hatches, lids, doors, or windows. Gas assist systems are widely used in industries such as automotive, furniture, aerospace, and even medical and industrial equipment, where precision and safety are critical.

We offer a wide range of gas assists struts

At Gasspringsshop, we offer a wide range of gas assist struts designed for both professional and personal applications. Gas assist systems are essential for making the opening and closing of heavy or cumbersome objects, such as hatches, lids, and doors, effortless and safe. Whether you’re working on automotive projects, industrial machinery, or custom furniture, our gas assist struts provide reliable and consistent support.

Gas strut hinge

Find your perfect fitting gas assist strut

Our gas assist products are customizable to suit your exact requirements. Using our easy-to-use gas strut configurator, you can select the ideal gas spring based on your specific measurements and force needs. Unlike generic options available elsewhere, our tailored gas assist struts ensure precision and durability for technical applications.

Looking for replacements? With our gas strut replacement tool, you can easily find an equivalent to brands like Stabilus Lift-O-Mat, Suspa Liftline, and more. This ensures you get the right gas assist product every time, saving you both time and effort.

Customer service and support

Explore our selection of premium gas assist struts today and enjoy quick shipping and expert customer support at Gasspringsshop!

Do you have any questions about our gas struts? Or need assistance in finding the right product? Our expert team is ready to offer you advice and support. Contact us today through our website or call our customer service.